Friday, 16 November 2012

Preliminary Task: First Draft

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis
The majority of people who took my questionnaire are aged 10-15. I think this is because most of my target audience will be of a younger audience as it is a school magazine. I do not think that older people would read the magazine as much as it is more suited to a younger audience with a more child friendly colour scheme. The majority of audience interviewed were male, which is useful because I will take a balanced view into making my magazine so that the colours are more suited to both my female and male target audience.
My results show that 80% of my audience would like a main story in my magazine. This will mean that I will need to use more persuasive techniques in my magazine using convincing language to encourage the audience to escape and buy into my magazine. Additionally, my data concluded that the price should be around £0.50-£1.00 which is reasonable for the age of my target audience who do not have a regular income. Making the price lower will mean that more people would be able to afford the magazine, attracting more people to read it.
From my results, the majority of the audience would like a colour scheme of black, purple and blue. They have chosen this because they are bold colours that would stand out on the shelf. Although I do not feel that these colours are the best choice to use, as on my draft run they did not seem as strong as other colours, and did not seem to attract my female target audience, and looked far too dull and masculine. Moreover, the target audience have said that they would like more images in my magazine and on my front cover, which will be useful for attracting the audience’s eye to buy my magazine; this will also give the audience a variety of information to read about, which can be suited to most people, which will provide the ideal escape from everyday life.
One quarter of the audience interviewed have said that they would not like teachers to feature within the magazine. This could be because the students would like to escape from everyday school and catch up with some gossip. However, I feel that this would be useful to provide hints and tips to students, providing an ‘authoritative face’ to the school publication, and could add more of a personality to the front cover. Furthermore, most of the people interviewed on my magazine have said they would like to have a student and parent’s forum. This will attract the older ages to buy my magazine as it will also meet their needs. I will make sure that this page is detailed and suited to their needs.

Most of my audience read magazines once very month, which is ideal for the release of my magazine as it will be released once every half term. It will be full of information to keep my audience entertained, and I will make sure that all of my target audience areas are covered so parent’s forum, teacher’s pages, and competitions so more people would be attracted to look at my magazine. My audience have also said that they would like a map of the school, which will be ideal for new students coming to Pensby to pick up a taster of the school.